Sunday, July 5, 2009

~The Robertson Family~

His name is Dallas and we will love him and sqeeze him and keep him forever and ever! That is right my friends, we got a dog! I know what you are thinking... Abbey is NOT an animal lover, I'm so confused! I'm not, don't worry, I just love MY ANIMAL! He's awesome.
Two weeks ago today, Frank and I were at church and there was this man and he had a baby with him that was about negative 3 days old, he was so little. Frank was like "Abbey look, look"... I knew I was toast!

We have been going back and forth about a dog. My vote was a turtle or a fish! My votes kept getting vetoed. I finally caved and Monday morning we went to the JASPCA to just "look". There he was:
It was love at first sight... that is for Frank and formally "Buddy". I was sceptical. The lady at the shelter, Jen, was awesome and she saw something in us that we didn't see. She was awesome, she told us about his previous family. When he came to the shelter, he had an imbedded collar and was terribly scared under his neck. She told us that he was a lot of work, but we could do it! I think he bit me about 10 times in like 5 minutes... I was terrified. Jen was terrified that I had never had a dog and about to take home this hurding dog that still puppy nips and hurds humans.

We went outside to play, I was toast! Frank was falling in love with the animal that I didn't know if I could handle. Frank can barely remember to brush his teeth and load the dishwasher, how can he possible take care of this animal. Is it going to fall on me? All these things are going through my head. When Jen and I were talking while the boys were playing, I was all but dashing for the door. I even asked her if she would come and live with us!

We went to the car to make our final decision... 15 minutes later, we were all piling into the car to take our new addition home with us!

This is my Favorite:

Dallas, we love you so much... welcome to the Family!


"Chancho": a disgusting large pig...

That is how I feel. While walking from my host house in Villa El Carmen, Eduara (the translator) and Rebekah (the host's daughter), they were talking and of course I didn't understand what they were talking about. I was just walking and looking around at the beauty of what the Lord had made, soaking in the culture, the smell... and then it caught my eye... the big ugly, fat, dirty chancho. I started to think about that chancho and myself. How my heart, my insides, my soul is a chancho. It is disgusting! The maker of this world, the King of Kings, the Lord of these nations breathed life into me and I have the nerve to ignore Him. How dare I be tempted to give him the first of my fruits, the first part of my day. So may times when I pray I do all the talking and when I want to "hear" from Him, I give him like 10 seconds before I am distracted by the wonderful husband that I have, what we are going to have for dinner, what my friends are doing and that I want to go and play or that heaping pile of laundry that haunts me.

I ask, "Lord, where are you?" but I'm so blind by my pitiful world that I can not see him. He's everywhere, he's in my gorgeous apartment, my wonderful job, the eyes of my husband and friends. He's in the trees, the ocean... he's everywhere.

I feel as though my faith is too simple, that I might as well put it in a little jar and just set it up on the mantle and when i need something, get it down and rub on it. That is how I treat my King. He has blessed me more than I can ask or imagine and all I give him is 10% of my fruits and my time... occasionally. My soul is a chancho!

So what is my action plan:
  • To dig deeper, to get in the word and spend some time with my maker.
  • To search Him and find him.
  • To search and understand my purpose, why he has put me here.
  • To serve his people; to feed the hungry, heal the sick.

I do not wish for beauty and gold, I wish for my soul to be full. To live this one life I have to the max. To leave a legacy that will carry on. For when I stand before the throne I want the Lord to say, "job well done my good and faithful servant."

Nicaragua 09

Just a thank you for those of you who helped support Frank and I to go to Nicaragua. It was an amazing trip and the Lord is moving in the little country. I wanted to let you know about what your money did.

It hosted this day (vacation bible school):

It gave these families encouragement and hope:

It taught these kids that following christ is a good choice and loving Him is not just in their small town of Villa El Carmen:
And mostly it taught this couple that serving together is worth the stress, worry and rewards all worth it:

Here are so other really cool pictures that were taken on the trip...

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