Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Are you there?

Sorry for my lack of attendance lately.  I told you how I needed to regroup.  I told you that my sister was in town.  I told you that it's been super stressful around here lately.  But have I told you that when I'm stressed or really sad I retreat?  I do.  I become anti-social.  I need to just hide and I ugly cry in the shower take lots of showers.

Well, if you are still there, I thought this might be a fun way to jump start back in the game.  I've seen it done a few times...

Do you have a question that you want me to answer?  Do you want to know my thoughts on something?  

Go ahead!

No question is too private, no question is out of bounds.  Let's have it!!


Friday, August 17, 2012

4 years and 4 lessons

Today, 4 years ago- in the POURING rain, Frank and I put of our super fancy clothes and pledged to each other to love each other, cherish each other and to respect each other for the rest of our lives.  That was cute.  I had no idea what I was getting myself into nor did I understand (do I still?!?) what I was promising.

So here are my top 4 lessons learned in my 4 short years of marriage:

1.  Fight naked.  Yes, do it.  When it gets nasty, get naked.  It usually makes the argument seem so silly and I know for sure I"m less likely to get verbally nasty when I'm physically so vulnerable to my mate.

2.  Feed your man well and first.  When you need something, need to talk about something or just need his ear, he will more than likely be more attentive when his belly is full and it was tasty.

3.  Have sex often.  It will make you more connected to each other AND it will make keeping his eyes just on you way easier.

4.  Date nights.  Don't talk about the kids or work or money.  There is other times  to do that, talk about your hopes, your dreams, what is going on in that heart of yours.  When we do, it's amazing what we can learn about each other!

So there you have it.  My top 4.  Am I perfect at this?  No way.  But I sure am trying to be great at it.  Frank- here's to the next 84 years... may we love hard, forgive often and laugh through the good times and the trials.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

She's here, she's here!!

Frank left us.  He high tailed it to Nicaragua for the week but if you are a creepo don't think about coming over because he left me with a loaded gun and i'm not afraid to use it he left me prepared, just in case.  Emily, my sister, came and stayed with us for a few days to hang out with me and the girls and we officially called it our "sister week" we each had a sister to hang out with.  If you had read anything around here, you know how I feel about the woman.  If not, then I will keep this short, I LOVE HER!  When you have been through as much as we have been through it's really hard to not love someone so much and to trust them so mightly.

So the morning that she was arriving, I told AB that Aunt Em was going to be here, this is how she spent most of the day:

EK and Dallas didn't care as much- until she got here and that pup went NUTS!!
We finally couldn't take the anticipation anymore so we went to the grocery store.  This was a first- them riding in the "car"

Emily finally arrives and the first fight EVER breaks out with my girls, over the buckets on Aunt Em's work bag.

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This is after the second fight... over the phone.  Clearly AB won because she is bigger.  But she wanted to be like Em and wear her purse and talk on the phone.

The next morning, Emily needed to check some work things on her computer, AB apparently needed to check her email also- at least that is what she told us as she found the laptop and opened it and "started typing" banged on the keys.

Most of the nights were spent like this:

Oh AB, I want to be like Emily too!!
Side note:  I do not pose my kids!!

bath time with Aunt Em, is there anything more fun?  No.
We played outside, went to the sprinklers and just hung out.

Note to self:  Tone arms starting immediately!

True story:  We heard the ice cream truck and we literally ran outside and waited for him for like 20 minutes.  He never came.

Emily has a serious sweet tooth that she is teaching AB.  Boo.

they are like dunkaroo's- remember those?
Apparently, EK has leared to climb up the back of the couch.

She has now left us and that explains my absense.  I picked up some goodies at the habitat store and can't wait to start working on it.  I will for sure be taking pictures to document this project.  I'm praying it turns out cute!!

Much love,

Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy Monday

Happy Monday friends!

I don't know about you, but we had a GREAT weekend.  Frank works on Saturday and then church on Sunday mornings mixed with nap times, it doesn't normally give us much family play time.  Well, this weekend we went to church on Saturday night, and I'm hooked!  By the way, we will never sit with the Ferrell's again, her husband is a trip and had Frank crying most of the service.  Just kidding, we love Bonnie and company!

So Friday, we had a big envelope show up in our mailbox addressed to the little lady of the house.  We opened it and it was a picture with a note from nanna!!!  A kitty none of the less.  You better believe this little lady was happy about that.  She walks up to the fridge and points and says "nanna" and makes cat noises.  Precious.

Nanna, we love it when we get mail!!
On Sunday we headed to the water park, Splash Island, with our friends.  Oh my word.  We had to much fun!!  Frank is not a big fan of the water but he even had a blast.  Since the Pate's have a new baby and needed to nap, we just took turns hanging out in the shade with Emma Kate and baby G.  I don't think that the toddlers or the parents stopped.  We came home just in time for our typical summer thunderstorm.  What a great nap!!
Emma Kate taking a break.
This was our cue that it was time to head home.
After naptime, Frank found him a sous chef and they started making gumbo.  Oh my.  It was so sweet.  Annabelle was doing great until they started chopping onions and she was eating them by the fist full, she then got kicked out of the kitchen- haha!  The gumbo was so good.  I left for a little bit to go to a baby shower but got home for the gumbo to be sorta still warm.  Amazing.  

Starting prep.

peeling garlic.

Frank, thank you for cooking!  It was awesome to have the "night off" and I didn't even mind that you trashed the kitchen!

After this weekend, I'm ready for this week... so bring it!  I have a few skin care and color appointments this week that I'm excited about.  If you would like to get an appointment, email me and we will work out a time!!

Happy Monday friends!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Oh, she kills me!  I just kiss her all day, I'm not kidding!

Sunday I needed some alone time.  My car took me to goodwill and then forever 21.

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