Monday, March 5, 2012

And here we go...
Happy Monday!

This weekend the girls and I high tailed it to Charlotte to attend one of  Carson's (my youngest sister) wedding showers.  It happened right during nap time. so Annabelle stayed behind with my dad and hung out with him.  They went to go see the airplanes take off and land, apparently she was totally into it.  Emma Kate and I went with to the shower and Emma was the hit of the party!  It was the dress, I'm sure!

But Friday night, oh let's talk about Friday night and how I did not earn mother of the year that night!  Cynthia (my step mom), Annabelle and I were playing the hall way and AB started to cough (nothing abnormal) and then all of the sudden, she projectile vomitted all over the place.  I started to laugh, seriously, I wish I was kidding.  I didn't know what to do.  Thank goodness Cynthia was there and took over.  I stripped her down and we threw her in the sink, thinking what the heck is going on?  Then again it happened, in the sink.  It went on for a while.  Each time she would cry afterward telling me she was hungry.  I called the doctor and with her orders, AB went to bed with no dinner.  She slept all night and then woke up at 6:15 am telling me she was hungry and ate a huge breakfast and another breakfast around 9am and then another snack around 10:30.

I was worried about Emma Kate getting it, but I think that she is the one that gave it to everyone.  On Thursday she was projectile vomitting but she is on the flip side of acid reflux so I thought, at the time, that maybe it was a flair up.  Now I'm sure it was that ninja virus.

My dad called today to tell me that he, Cynthia and one of my cousins was sick... great!  During christmas when we were there, we brought them that horrible sinus thing and now this.  We are never going to be able to come back to visit!

On the lighter note....

My friend Bonnie relaunched her blog and launched her etsy shop.  Doesn't it look great?!?  She made this for us, and I love it... now if only we can stay home long enough for me to hang it!  I'm so excited that she did it!  It is so pretty and the photos she took just do not do justice.  It is made so well and will be a part of the girls room, well, until they refuse to wear bows.  THANK YOU BONNIE!  She is also doing a giveaway on her blog.  It ends on Friday... go get over there and enter for some goodness!!

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