Monday, April 16, 2012


Hey friends,
I know you guys have big hearts, at least you should :)  My friend jessica is doing a HUGE giveaway right now and some other fundraising things on her blog right now to raise money for their adoption.  They are adopting a little girl from China and there is so much that they can and can not do.  Please check her blog out and be inspired by this amazing women who is literally working her tail off to get her little girl home.
*Side note, we were at a birthday party together and Jessica went and sat down so she could keep up with all her nest necklaces.

I have a bird nest necklace and LOVE it!!  It is so well made and love having it hang around my neck.  She is selling them for just $15 but that is just a suggestion.  I told her she should be charging $50!
Here is mine:

Please go and check her out and give that sweet family some loving!

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