Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to entertain a toddler...

When you are on a flight...
You let them say "hi" to your new neighbors, they either talk back or ignore your toddler.
You start with goldfish (don't forget to bite off small pieces and give to your baby too).
Then you read books.
Then you put in "the Lion King" and they are only interested for like 30 minutes and you have 1 hour left and they are getting fussy.
You then pull up photo booth:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Flash back friday...

I love this photo, it was taking in the braves stadium.  Frank and I went to Atlanta for our 1 year anniversary.  We had a blast and saw so many cool things.  Here's to you, Mr. Robertson.  I love your guts and can't wait to post this same picture when we are old and wrinkly!  Well, maybe not wrinkly since we are die hard MK lovers!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today, on this Thursday, I'm thankful for the learning seasons in my life.  While they are painful (and usually extremely stressful), I'm thankful that I'm growing.  That my character is being sharpened, that I'm learning and being stretched.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm not super holy, so I'm usually kicking and screaming and crying and pitching a fit (2 year old in the checkout line at the grocery store comes to mind) during the whole season.

So what is our season that we are in?  Besides our two very small children that we are raising :)  Frank finished up his all access internship at our church.  He knows that he has been called to full time ministry but it seems that we are at a stand still right now with him pursuing it full time.  We know for sure that it is in the future (we are praying sooner than later).  He is working at chick fil a right now and it's paying the bills, sorta.  He will need to find another job and there are so many factors right now.  So we are praying through them and trusting that the perfect door with open that no man can shut.  Now, to just find the door!!  So please say a prayer for us.  Say an encouraging word to Frank, I know he needs it and I"m sure I sound like a broken record sometimes trying to cheer him on!!

Happy Thursday friends!  I hope you have a great day!!

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mary Kay Monday

Hey friends, I wanted to start doing reviews on Mondays for different products.  Today is on the Time wise collection.  If you have not heard of it, now is the time.  This stuff is truly a miracle in a bottle (or 4 bottles).  There is the 3 in 1 cleanser, day solution, night solution and moisturizer.

They are meant to all work together as one set.  The eye cream, microderm abrasion, eye makeup remover and foundation are all part of the time wise set and all work as one unit, but today, we are going to look at just the cleansing routine of it.

It comes in normal to oily and normal to dry.  You wash your face with the 3 in 1 cleanser.  It cleans, exfoliates and freshens.  In the morning, you will then apply the day solution.  It has spf 35 in it, so it blocks UVA/UVB damaging rays.  In the evening, you will apply the night time solution.  This solution has vitamins A, E and C.  It helps rebuild collagen (so long crows feet).  Then you will apply the oil free moisturizer.  The moisturizer will also help repair damaged skin and protect it from the sun and other environmental elements.

When anti aging products started to come out, it was so slow down the signs of aging.  Then it moved to stopping the signs of aging and now, finally, we can reverse the signs of aging.  If you are like me, I have some signs of aging, but not that many.  The are mostly on my chest from year of no sun screen and sunburn damage.  I have seen the ramifications of what I have done, 40 years down the road, and I am not going to take it with grace.  I will fight with every cream I can to stop the signs :)

When I started using this set, my skin did break out but felt so good at the same time.  I truly believe that my face was getting such a deep clean that it was pulling dirt out that had been there forever!  I stuck with it and my skin has not looked better, ever!  My husband uses the botanical line and his skin did the same thing.  He stuck with it and same result, the blemishes went away and his skin has not looked better, ever!

This is the most basic of the miracle set.  There are other amazing products that I will write about later.  This set is sold individually and as a set.  The set cost just $90.  You think, omg, Abbey, I don't have that kind of cash... yes you do!  The cleanser, day/night solution and moisturizer will last anywhere from 3-5 months.  So when you break it down, it's less than $18 per month on your skin care.  I know for a fact that when I was buying drug store skin care, I was spending way more than that and my skin didn't nearly look as good!  When one bottle runs out, you just order it's replacement individually.

I really helps you out in the quest to keep you skin looking good and young and fresh.  Please email me with any other questions that you might have!  abbeyalden at gmail dot com

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Giveaway Winner!!!

And the winner is:


I would say email me with all your information, but I will give it to you next time I see you!!

Congratulations!  And thank you for all that entered!!

Liebster Blog Award

I guess people like me more that I thought they did....

Not only was I nominated once, but twice!!

So I will give credit where credit is due.
My friend Graylynn from The Rodrigues Family nominated me first.  I'm not going to lie, I didn't know what I thought about it.  Then I got nominated again for it by my friend Bonnie from Bonn Bonn Boutique.
So I will do what they have asked and pass it on.

What the heck is a lobster blog award might you ask?  It's a way for you to share other blogs that have less that 200 followers.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog.
2. Copy & paste the award to your blog.
3. Nominate 5 further blogs and let them know by leaving a comment.

Graylynn is such a sweet girl.  She is a true southern girl that has been uprooted from the south to Boston and is so homesick.  She has a wonderful husband and a precious little boy.  She writes about her faith, family and journey in the cold north.
Graylynn's parents and my parents were friends way before Graylynn and I were a twinkle in their eyes.  Her dad is a pastor of the church I grew up in.  We have been on many trips together and embarked on the super awkward and painful Jr. high years together.  In fact, I had her luggage tag on my luggage when we went to Colorado one summer (don't' ask me how I remember that... I have no idea!!).  Her dad and momma was so good to my family when we lost my mom.  

Bonnie makes me laugh.  A lot.  She keeps it real and I love her for it.  She loves her husband, boys and the Lord fiercely.  She is so creative and has style that this southern girl can admire.  You can find Bonnie putting mustaches on all sorts of goodies and rolling her eyes at her 2.5 year old son lassoing things off the counter that he can not reach (I'm not kidding!).  Her blog is a hoot but her instagram stream is even better.

Without further ado... here are my nominations:

1.  A girl on a journey.  I have never met Sarah, but I think that if we did meet, we would be good friends.  I found her blog on top baby blogs and it's super cute.  She has 2 small girls that are a mess and she loves the Lord and her husband.  I love her funny stories that are similar to mine.

2.  Accessorized by life.  I met Aubry a few years ago over a yuengling at boulevard diner.  I knew that I would like her for 2 reasons.  a.  She liked boulevard diner.    b.  She likes dark beer.  Then I started to get to know her and her kind heart that is so compassionate.  She is hysterical and her dogs always give a good story.  She just got married last September and her hubby is a hoot.  Aubry is a nanny and that family is so blessed to have her in their family.

3.  Corbett's corner.  I met Avery in high school.  We went to church together.  Avery has one of the kindest hearts that I know.  She loves the Lord so much and just recently had a baby girl.  She blogs about life and being a new mom.  She too is a southern girl that lives in the north and often complains about the snow (can you blame her?!?).  When I was in 10th grade, Avery drove home from college just to help me get ready for prom, that is the kind of friend that she is.

4.  Hilary Surratt.  I met Hilary a few years ago and we became better friends while we were pregnant at the same time.  Hilary is married to a pastor and she blogs about life, crafting and her super cute baby.  She runs a small business of monogramming and making cute things.  Hilary is all things girlie and has a heart of gold.

5.  It's a reyondsful world.  Courtney and I met a few years ago when she was engaged and became better friends when we were pregnant at the same time with Gentry and Annabelle.  You can find Courtney blogging about family, friends and get precious and super girlie girls.  She just had her second baby girl and she is just as precious as her first!!

Now ladies, you need to pass it on!!  I hope you enjoyed meeting some of my friends!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

On Sunday our pastor gave a great message on what love isn't.  He preached out of 1 Corinthians 13.  You know, "it is not proud or jealous or rude..."
Then the other day, my friend stacie blogged about keeping it real.

I have to confess something.  On easter morning, I got up super early, showered and got everyone ready and had breakfast and took some pictures and we went to church.  But this is what really happened:

  • I got ready and stayed in my bathrobe until I loaded the kids in the car and ran inside and put my dress on.  I was not going to church with puke or breakfast on my dress!
  • The kids ate breakfast in their diapers.
  • The picture that I posted was about the 14th picture I took, trying to get the perfect one for my "perfect" family.
  • My friends commented on my hair at church and I said "thanks, it's the one thing pregnancy did good to me"... yeah right, I worked hard on it and I'm glad someone noticed!!
  • Frank is doing this internship at church and had to be there super early.  I took the girls by myself.  This normally doesn't upset me, but I cried about it.  I was sad that we didn't get to drive there as a family.
  • Got to church and they both had only one shoes.  I left them in the car- by accident.
  • Nursery lady gives me grace and we were able to laugh about it.
So without further ado, here is my "perfect" sunday pictures for you!!

cat fight
it was broken up, bu then AB wanted down

as good as it's going to get.

Happy Tuesday!

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