Monday, July 16, 2012

Happy Monday

Hey friends!  I hope that your weekend was relaxing and you added to your summer glow and you got to drink some fun drinks and church was ah-mazing.

Friday afternoon, we hung out and ate popcorn after naptime

Friday, Starbucks was giving away their new drinks... amazing!!  The lime one tastes like a margharitas.
Don't let her adorableness fool you, she was "growling" at everyone!!  Do not mess with this woman!
Frank worked on Saturday and that night we went over to our new friends house.  We had a blast.  New people, not to mention that there was 5 children under 22 months.  Oh my.

But Saturday, AB and I were hanging out while EK was napping.  I had to tackle this mess:

In the mean time, AB fed her baby...

Singing, rocking and hushing

Ya'll, I'm talking to my sister and AB comes around the corner "talking on the phone" with a plastic coffee mug.  I busted out laughing and took this picture.  Monkey see, monkey do?  Yes.

I won a scarf from Our reflections giveaway and it came on Saturday... too bad it's like 120 degrees here, so I'll have to wait awhile to wear it.  But thankful, none of the less!!

Oh my word!
Sunday we went to church and then had lunch with some new friends.  We came home and the little people took naps.  I did a TON of MK work (btw, my website is up!!!), meal planning/couponing and trying on lip stick.  In case you are wondering, yes we have 2 macs, yes we are apple junkies and yes, Frank was sitting on the other side of the table.  And if you were ALSO wondering, yes, I get in trouble for talking too much while he is trying to work.  No, he can not multitask and it's taken him YEARS to finally admit it.  I laugh at him and get him off track intentionally sometimes {grin}.

I have busted this lady multiple times up like this AND the other day, I caught her doing her baby yoga pose but flat footed.  Oh my.  But don't worry, I knocked her down... kidding!

I hope that you have a great day and that you get to play outside some :)

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